Optimization & renovation of existing afterburner
We were asked by Royal Vaassen from Vaasen to take a look at the afterburner. Their existing afterburner used an enormous amount of gas, which is why Cervitech was soon asked to take a look at it. Because why is this afterburner such a large consumer of gas and can we make the efficiency of this afterburner and related systems more profitable with new technical solutions?
CERVITECH BV has made an analysis of the entire process, this process not only includes the afterburner but also the machines that supply the contaminated air.
Based on this analysis, an improvement program was drawn up and carried out by a CERVITECH project leader. This improvement program covered everything that had anything to do with the process. This broad approach has resulted in very large gas savings.

- Measurements throughout the whole process.
- Analysis measures results.
- Improve suggestions
- On the production machines.
- Installation(s) between production machines and afterburner.
- On the afterburner, ceramics, settings, seals, etc. etc.
- Project input.
- Projectmanagement.
- Delivery of the necessary materials.
- Settings.
- Testing together with the adapted production machines.
Achieved results:
- Further emission reduction
- Greatly reduced gas consumption on the afterburner.
- Safer process.
- Satisfied client