Mobacc Group, consisting of Mobacc, Eurofill and Rust Control International, is one of the leading players in the European aerosol can industry and develops and fills aerosol cans with, among other things, anti-rust coatings, lubricants and various types of paint.
Every year, the Mobacc Group produces tens of millions of aerosol cans on its twelve production lines in the fully equipped and state-of-the-art factories in Veendam and Zaandam. These products are distributed worldwide under customers' own labels.
With increasing regulations regarding emissions, the Mobacc Group has engaged CERVITECH BV to reduce these emissions.
Last week, the measuring specialists at CERVITECH BV carried out a very extensive measuring program on a number of filling lines for aerosol cans. This is to measure the results of our modifications. Our specialists also prepare an extensive report of all measurement results. This report is then discussed with our customer. Here we at Cervitech can beautifully show a number of things, including the differences in results achieved by the adjustments and what gains can be achieved in the future with further modifications.
Based on this knowledge, the next step can then be taken for a choice of Post-Switched Technology. In concrete terms, this means making a choice as to which method of air cleaning best suits Mobacc's technology.